Too Young for This, but Herpes Doesn't Discriminate

I lost my virginity only a week before I was told I might have herpes. I’m only 16 years old and when the doctor first said those words, I truly thought my life was over. I was depressed and scared. I felt isolated and alone. I thought I was too young and invincible.

One, because my parents had no idea I was even sexually active and two, how was I going to tell my friends or boyfriend? Telling my boyfriend especially is hard enough because I love him so dearly and am afraid to lose him. But as I went through the slow but painful process of telling my mother and a few close friends and even my boyfriend, the only response I received was full of love and support. My boyfriend is more concerned with my own discomfort than his own risk. He was even confused by my thought that he would break up with me.

Yes, I’m very young to be diagnosed with an incurable disease but herpes doesn’t discriminate. Thankfully, neither do the people who love me.

It is highly unlikely that I contracted the virus from my current boyfriend. I believe it may have been the previous one, even though we didn’t have sex, there were other things. I regret those things now, but I’m moving forward with loved ones by my side. If there are any other scared young people out there, I hope they will see this and realize it will be okay.

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May 10, 2013
Herpes Cure
by: Anonymous

I too have herpes. I've done a lot of research to try and find a cure for the virus and I've found a lot of positive information regarding red grapes, black grapes, grape juice and green tea (only red or black grapes).

My last outbreak was about 4 months ago, and that's when I began this regimen. One thing that I have noticed since I began is that I've had lower back pain, and that's something that I have never experienced till I started this daily thing. I'd also like to include that I only buy the organic grapes and green tea. I usually eat about 3 full cups of grapes a day, and 5 cups of green tea and 2 cups of grape juice. I do believe that this combination will eventually kill the virus.

I know that this daily regimen works at preventing the outbreaks, and I also believe that it can also kill the virus. What I'm not sure of is how much of it I need to kill the virus completely.

For anyone who has this virus, my suggestion is to try this and you too will see the difference.

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