Still Living My Life

by Gigi

When I was 16 and a half, I got the herpes infection from my ex boyfriend. It really sucked because I was in a lot of pain and all I did was cry. But then I got used to it and took Valtrex daily. Now I am 18 going on 19 in a couple of months. I also have a boyfriend and we’ve together for 7 months now and I told him when we first started dating and he accepted me. We are very happy now. But my only problem is that I’ve been taking my medicines everyday and I still got an outbreak which is weird because I haven’t had an outbreak in like almost a year so I am kind of baffled by that. But any who I’m still living life normally.

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Dec 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

I'm currently 16, about a year and a half ago I lost my virginity. However the guy I lost it to was a manwhore. He slept with almost my whole school. Rumors spread about me saying I'm a whore, then that he had a disease and was spreading it, I ignored every thing. About 8months ago I got a caring bring that I care dearly about. A couple days ago I took it upon myself and went to the clinic, I have herpes and I feel like my world is over and want to die, I told my father and uncle but can't seem to tell my own mother. Yesterday she told me she rather have me come home saying I'm pregnant than saying I have some disease. I do not want to be in the same school. Idk what to do.

Oct 29, 2011
Lost V-card and gained an STD
by: Anonymous

I was 18 and a virgin when I got it from my ex the very first time I had sex. He denied ever giving it to me, but there was no other way. And at that time, deep down, I knew he was a liar and a cheat. I always asked God from then on, why this happened to me, and wished it never happened. But really, I feel thankful that without a doubt, I'll never let anyone treat me like he did again. And I feel lucky to learn that lesson without life threatening circumstances. My current bf of 4 years loves me no matter what. When you find that person, it makes you stronger. Gives you something to be happy about again.:)

Oct 18, 2011
for the girl who just got it 3 days ago
by: Anonymous

It will get a little better but not right away and yes you can still have sex with or with out a condom. You just have to tell the guy your with. I gave it to my last bf when and we were together for 2 years trust me, you want to be careful cause the next worse thing is knowing you gave it to some one else. My bf now is well aware that I have it and does not care he loves me for me, not what std I have, my only advice would be if you're having an outbreak, don't have sex. None at all not even with a condom. If you ever want to talk feel free, I too was in it alone.

Oct 17, 2011
16 too
by: Anonymous

I'm 16 and diagnosed with it 3 days ago. I got it from my boyfriend as he cheated on me and I used a condom with him. So I'm a wreck of course. I just want to know, is there anyway I can have sex normally again? With or without condom, I'm going through it alone but I want to know if life can ever be the same?

Oct 13, 2011
I was 16 too!
by: Anonymous

I was 16 as well when I was diagnosed! I'm 22 now so, I have been living with it for 6 years. It sucks for us because we got it so young that we never got to really have a relationship without it (I got it from my first boyfriend.) I actually got Type 1 genital from oral sex so, I was a virgin when I got it! It hasn't been easy going through college because it's hard to find a mature enough guy who can deal with it and won't tell everyone. I'm from a really small town so I'm really cautious about everyone finding out. However, I'm moving soon and I'm looking forward to a fresh start and a bigger city! :)

Sep 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

I too was 16 and I'll be 19 in a few months. I am wondering, how long you went without an outbreak? I have not had one in about a year now. I want to say and I only take the medicines as needed. Do you think that I will get one soon or maybe I won't have one again ?

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