Starting a Relationship With an HSV-2 Positive Partner
by Jen
I began dating a great guy about 2 months ago. He told me right away that he has HSV-2. I like him very much but the idea of contracting herpes terrifies me. I really don't want to stop seeing him but I also don't want to knowingly put myself at risk. I would really appreciate any advice on the subject!
Thank you!
Dear Jen,It’s absolutely normal to feel worried about contracting herpes. After all, it’s a big decision to make health-wise and should be taken seriously. I admire you for taking the extra step in doing your research and coming into this website for advice.
First of all, your partner has shown a lot of courage opening up about his condition. By telling you about it, he was being responsible which shows that he truly cares for you.
Dating someone with herpes will always pose a risk to your health. You have to understand that herpes is indeed an infectious and lifetime disease. But there are many ways you can protect yourself. Consider my tips on
genital herpes sex so you know your options.
Herpes is also easily manageable. There are many preventive measures you can take to ensure a lower chance of acquiring the virus. In fact, I know of some people who have been dating a herpes positive partner for many years without ever contracting the virus even after their relationships ended.
If you love this person, the decision should be easier. It shouldn't be a deal breaker to any relationship. However, you also have to ponder if the risk of contracting the virus is worth it in the end.
All the best,