Over coming the Odds
by Ashley
I was 18 only for a month when I was diagnosed with Genital Herpes. I left the hospital in tears shortly after that, and in enormous amount of pain.
I called my boyfriend at the time asking if he forgot to tell me something before we started having sex, he had no idea what I was talking about.
I told him the whole story of how I walked out of the bathroom after trying to pee and how I blacked out from the pain. After which I was driven to the hospital where I got the shocking and unexpected diagnosis.
I went back to his house that evening and we talked about the situation for a long time. The following day, he went in to his doctor’s office as well, took some blood tests and they told him he had Herpes as well.
We discovered that he had it but had no symptoms what so ever and passed it on to me without knowing.
However we're still together over a year later and are now engaged. Plus I just gave birth to a beautiful and healthy 8lb, 13oz baby boy last January 13th. I had a c-section which was nowhere near the pain I felt of that first Herpes outbreak.
To this day I've only had 2 out breaks since January 2010. I love my life and my little family and hope that my story has helped or let you know that you can still have very healthy children in the future should it happen. You just have to take extra precautions during the pregnancy.
Oh and in case any of you were wondering, I was able to breast feed him. Your able to as long as you don't get sores on your breast.
Good luck to all of you in the same boat. Remember, you are not alone in this and you can still continue living your life.