Oral Sex and Herpes

by Anonymous

My boyfriend and I just found out that we both have HSV-2. It started with me having an outbreak. He has never had one which is scary common as you know with this virus. He does have it as well because he took the blood test twice which confirmed the antibodies are present.

We have both realized that we are not going to waste emotions trying to figure out if it came from me or him because it does not change how we feel about each other. We want to have a normal sex life together but at the same time be smart about it.

If we both have HSV 2 and we both do not have an outbreak is oral sex okay? Is it possible that we could spread HSV2 to our mouth if there is no outbreak?


Dear Anonymous,

Although visible outbreaks increase the chance of contracting the virus, it is still possible to acquire it during oral sex even with the absence of outbreaks due to viral shedding. This phase can be asymptomatic with no discernible signs. So consider doubling up your medication. That way, both of you can be safe from obtaining HSV 2 on the mouth/lips because the herpes virus is being suppressed.

You can still have an enjoyable, healthy sex life with herpes! Use your imagination, use your hands, and even use some sex toys to spice up sex activities. There’s many more ways to give and receive pleasure in bed.

Hope this helps!



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May 23, 2013
Be VERY careful
by: Anonymous

HSV2 can be either genital OR oral. Both HSV1 and HSV2 share 50% of their DNA. I am 21, and have recently found out that I am positive for HSV1. A guy I was talking to either lied to me, or he doesn't know. My current boyfriend is being VERY supportive and accepting of the whole thing....surprisingly. When it comes to HSV2 and oral, remember this...if you are having an outbreak, DO NOT PERFORM ORAL SEX. It is also possible to pass the virus when you are not having an outbreak; this normally happens when the virus is "shedding." Both you and your boyfriend just need to be responsible and make sure that you do not spread the virus from your genitals to your mouth.

You can also spread HSV1 to your genitals if you touched your cold sore, didn't wash your hands, and then touched yourself (not in the sexual way, just a simple task of putting a tampon in could lead to this.) So, just be smart and do your research. I have read a few things that scientists are trying to find a "cure" for herpes. Which will really just be a drug that stops the outbreaks and keeps it from being spread; but, we will always carry it.

I have been depressed, angry, upset, confused, and every other emotion you can think of. So again, just be careful. There's no reason for you guys not to perform oral. Just make sure you do it when you know you won't be spreading it to other parts of your body. Also, there's a drug called Valtrex that makes outbreaks occur less often and reduces the possibility of spreading the virus. I think I am going to get on it. I hope this information helps you.

May 01, 2013
Have Oral!
by: Anonymous

From the research I've done, you could get HSV-2 orally but it's VERY unlikely. Out of all the oral HSV cases only about 1-2% are from HSV-2 (and they seem to come from direct contact with a lesion or the person who acquired it had a lowered immune response). A doctor who's an expert on herpes said that having herpes (either strain) should not stop anyone from having and enjoying oral sex. The only thing you need to do is be aware and if you're having an outbreak then avoid genital sexual contact (that doesn't mean you can't get creative).

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