Love After Herpes

by David
(Carins, qld, australia)


I had the perfect girlfriend; she was loving, caring, and most of all, honest. We were together for 2.5 years but then we decided it was not going to work, we split up for about 2 months and both had 1 sexual partner each.

We decided to give our love another go. Then the news broke she had herpes! I was gutted just to think my future with her could be over, well I was wrong!! I still love her and she still loves me, love is the most important thing in life and let's be honest there's a lot of people who have it that just don't talk about it!

I've researched it and believe we can have an amazing sex life still so you can’t run and leave your love of your life to go through what is a life changing event alone! Be a man don't listen to your friends about how gross it is. Look at your future and be grateful that you have someone who loves you.


Dear David,

Thanks for sharing your story with us. It's really quite an inspiring story that you wrote for us. That is some wonderful advice that you share.

I totally agree. I think being a man means facing up to the truth, and looking at the facts. Yes, up to 1 in 5 people have Genital Herpes! And the numbers of people that have oral herpes (Hsv-1) are up to 80% of the population. The fact is, this little virus really gets around!

So you're totally correct. A lot more people have this virus than are willing to admit. Or a lot of people have this virus and just don't know they have it. It's a big reason it gets passed around so much.

I love what you wrote about loving and sticking with someone if they have Herpes and not listening to your friends. It does take a man to love a woman no matter what! And in the large scope of things, Herpes is just a very minor and TREATABLE skin condition.

Well, thanks again. Great story.



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Nov 25, 2012
Love heals.
by: Vince

First and foremost, my English is not good. Sorry if my grammar is terrible.

Tomorrow, I'm going to know the result of my blood test on Genital herpes. I slept with my ex around 1.5 years ago unprotected. Now the sores appear. There was no itching or pain on the area and no swelling of lymph node nearby genital area. I think I have only a tingling sensation. Is it really possible for the virus to appear after 1.5 years? Now I feel terribly naive to do it without condom and feeling so much guilt as I only had sex with her and I got so 'lucky' to have it.

Thanks to this website, I feel I'm not alone at all. I have a steady girlfriend now. She is so supportive of me if the test is positive that she'll be with me no matter what happens. I'm so touched by this but I feel dirty and worried constantly if I may have contracted this virus to her. I know this virus can cause danger to the her and the baby if she is pregnant... my worst nightmare is that she already have it but its asymptomatic.

With her support, I'm able to bring myself high again and not feeling lonely. I'm starting to worry of my financial burden for buying the daily medication if I do have Herpes.

I feel so empty and found myself so down due to this incurable disease.

How can I really live happily with it and ease my financial burden for this?

Thank you.

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