Living in the Moment

by Claudia
(Cape Town)

Hi Gary,

I contracted the herpes virus from my very first sexual partner at the age of 19 (1999). I was devastated and horrified, as the outbreak was extremely bad and I was extremely ignorant at that age, not knowing what I had.

My visit to the doctor was very embarrassing, but she was fantastic and helped me through my situation. I was on medication for about two years, as my outbreaks were frequent.

At the end of the second year, I was relieved when the outbreaks had stopped and I could relax (in my head) about it. I changed my diet and became almost completely vegetarian and I took up yoga to sort myself out.

Relationships were scary to me, as I would always have to tell my potential partner about the herpes. I have been truly blessed that I have not had one partner reject me because of it and I can happily say that I have led a perfectly normal life, despite the herpes.

It is now 2011 and I haven't had any symptoms or outbreaks since 2001, after I finished my two year course of medication.

I feel very lucky, as I do understand that there are many people out there that have frequent outbreaks throughout their entire lives.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my story with you.

Take care,



Dear Claudia,

Indeed, living a healthy lifestyle and having a positive attitude are the best ways to start coping with Herpes. Minor adjustments can definitely go a long way in minimizing outbreaks.

Thank you for sharing your story with us! It is because of optimistic people like you that give others in the same situation, the strength and hope that they need to continue living their lives in the moment, despite the condition.

God bless!



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Nov 08, 2012
Question for Claudia
by: Anonymous

Hi Claudia,

I was diagnosed 19 years ago and have had some good stretches of time with no outbreaks, but have recently been suffering from a recurring OB for the last 6 months with no respite.

Is there a way you can respond with the name of the DR that put you on the 2 year treatments?

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