Comments for Is contagious asymptomatic shedding most dangerous during outbreaks, or it ALWAYS a problem?

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Sep 16, 2015
long outbreakes
by: Judith Claire Smith

As my husband and I work on our marriage I noticed when our marriage is in trouble our outbreaks last long lengths of time. Usually coinciding with the length of our problems. Stress is a trigger for outbreaks. Practice stress free techniques, eat and sleep are also important. Keep peace with people important in your life. Be quick to love instead of anger.

Sep 16, 2015
long outbreakes
by: Judith Claire Smith

As my husband and I work on our marriage I noticed when our marriage is in trouble our outbreaks last long lengths of time. Usually coinciding with the length of our problems. Stress is a trigger for outbreaks. Practice stress free techniques, eat and sleep are also important. Keep peace with people important in your life. Be quick to love instead of anger.

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