All I Can Do Is Have Faith
by Melissa
(Kansas City, KS)
I’m 22 years old and I've never been a sexually active person. I've been with four guys my whole life and I dated them all for a long time.
Well I have been single for almost a year now and I met this really awesome, nice, sweet and caring guy. We started talking and hanging out and usually I wait awhile before I have sex with a person but for some reason I didn't with him.
It was the biggest mistake that I have ever made in my life. Now I’m stuck with herpes and no one to talk to. It’s so horribly devastating and I’m having a hard time already as it is trying to be successful in this world... and now this?
I just wish I could turn back the time and be the girl that would wait to have sex. All I can do now is have faith and believe that there is hope in the future for me.
That I will find someone who will love me for me and the fact that I have herpes won’t scare them away. If you are reading this I want you to know you are not alone.
Have faith. Believe God is there for you when no one else is, stay healthy and do your best to live your life.
Don’t let a silly blister stop you from living.
I just found out a couple of hours ago but I knew I had it as soon as I saw the symptoms.
I’m going to take my own advice and stay strong because that’s all I can do. I’m not saying this happened to me for a reason but maybe I need to change my ways and focus on different things in life.
Good luck to all of you suffering from this!